Session Details

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General Tab


Field Name



The Course which was taught in this Session.


The Course Version for this Session.


The Date and Time when the Session began.


The Date and Time when the Session ended.


The number of hours for the Session (leave empty to auto-calculate).


The Trainer for this Session.


The Location where the training took place.


The Capacity of the training room.

Fixed Cost

The fixed cost for conducting the training.

Total Cost

The total cost including the Fixed Costs + sum of the per Student Cost (auto calculated).

Add Student Button

The "Add Student" button is used to add 1 or more Students to the Session.

Remove Student Button

The "Remove Student" button is used to remove 1 or more Students from the Session.

Batch Update Button

The "Batch Update" is used to update multiple training records at once. For example, to set all Students training Status to "Complete".

Student [In the Student List Details]

The Student who attended the training session.

Status [In the Student List Details]

The Status of the student's training (i.e. Completed, Failed, etc.)

Completion Date [In the Student List Details]

The date when the training was completed. This date may differ from the Session "End Date" in some cases. For example, if a person is required to complete some additional tasks prior to being granted credit for completing the training.

Score [In the Student List Details]

The person's score (if a test was given)

Student Cost [In the Student List Details]

The cost for the student's training.

Notes [In the Student List Details]

A text field for adding Notes related to the training record.


Notes Tab


The Notes tab is a place where you can enter free-form rich text notes.


Files Tab


The Files tab contains a list of files which have been uploaded for the Vendor.


History Tab


The History tab contains a list of updates for the Vendor record.