Requirement Details

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General Tab


Field Name



The Course which is required for training.

Required Groups

A list of Personnel Groups that are required to take the Course.

Required Job Roles

A list of Job Roles that are required to take the Course.

Required Individuals

A list of Individuals that are required to take the Course.

Excluded Groups

A list of Personnel Groups that are excluded from the requirement.

Excluded Job Roles

A list of Job Roles that are excluded from the requirement.

Excluded Individuals

A list of Individuals that are excluded from the requirement.

Initial Training Due

The date when the Initial (first) training is due.

New Hire Grace Period

A grace period for new hires to complete training before it will be "Overdue".

Retraining Frequency

How often re-training is required.


Notes Tab


The Notes tab is a place where you can enter free-form rich text notes.


Files Tab


The Files tab contains a list of files which have been uploaded for the Vendor.


History Tab


The History tab contains a list of updates for the Vendor record.