Registration and Login |
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Registration You can register a new account for your company at the following link:
You will need to fill in the following fields:
After submitting your registration information, check your email for a link to complete your registration.
The link will direct you to a page where you can provide your name and password to complete the registration. Submit the information and wait a few seconds as your account is set up.
Login You can login to your account at [your custom url]/account/login, where [your custom url] is the url you set up during registration. To login, enter your email address and password. If you do not know your password, click the "Forgot Password?" link on the login form, and then continue to send a "Password Reset" link to your email address. The link will expire after 24 hours.
Note: you can also go to our main website at:, and click the Login link in the upper right part of the page. If your company login page has been previously saved on that computer, it will take you directly there. Otherwise it will take you to a login page with an additional field where you can enter your company name to login.