Vendor Details

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General Tab - Fields and Form Elements


Field Name


Vendor Name

The name of the vendor.

Vendor Number

Phone Number

The main phone number for the vendor.


The website address for the vendor. Click the button next to the field to open the website.

Contact Name

The main contact name for the vendor.

Email Address

The email address for the vendor. Click the button next to the field to open a new email message to the vendor.

Address fields

The mailing address for the vendor.



Assets Tab


The Assets tab on the Vendor form displays a list of assets which have been assigned to this Vendor. You can assign an asset to a Vendor by selecting the Vendor from the selection field on the Asset Form - Purchasing tab.


Notes Tab


The Notes tab is a place where you can enter free-form rich text notes.


Files Tab


The Files tab contains a list of files which have been uploaded for the Vendor.


History Tab


The History tab contains a list of updates for the Vendor record.